River Wild: A Thrilling and Suspenseful Thriller Series
River Wild is a new thriller series on Netflix that follows a group of friends who go on a rafting trip in the wilderness, only to find themselves being hunted by a mysterious killer. The series is suspenseful, action-packed, and full of twists and turns that will keep you guessing until the very end.
The series stars Lucy Hale as Jess, a young woman who is trying to reconnect with her estranged father, Gary (Grey Damon). Gary is a former Navy SEAL who has become obsessed with whitewater...
Top Movies This Week
July has been an exciting month for movie enthusiasts, with a variety of films trending across different genres and platforms. Here are the top movies that have been making waves this month:
1. **Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3** - Genre: Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Comedy - Release Year: 2023 - Total Likes: 8881 - More details: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3
2. **Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse** - Genre:...
Elevated Horror: What Defines The Growing Subgenre?
originally published on gamerant BYAYA TSINTZIRAS
Elevated horror has become a buzzword, but what does this subgenre actually mean, and what kinds of stories are being told?
From The Babadook to The Witch, the past few years have included several popular horror releases that are more serious than typical movies. Instead of focusing on a killer targeting college kids or the same story about a creepy small town, these films tell different...
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Top Movies This Week
July has been an exciting month for movie enthusiasts, with a variety of films trending across...
Top Trending music for July 2023
Here is a playlist of the hottest trending pop music in the US this month:
Last Night...
River Wild: A Thrilling and Suspenseful Thriller Series
River Wild is a new thriller series on Netflix that follows a group of friends who go on a...
Special Ops: Lioness
Special Ops: Lioness is a pulse-pounding spy thriller that follows Joe, a badass CIA operative...
Elevated Horror: What Defines The Growing Subgenre?
originally published on gamerant BYAYA TSINTZIRAS